Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common injuries plaguing workers in New York State. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by jobs which require repetitive use of the worker’s hands. Almost any type of repetitive job can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, however, those who spend most of their day typing are at the highest risk for developing this condition.
In order to successfully bring a Workers’ Compensation claim for carpal tunnel syndrome, the Law requires a showing that the repetitive motion was a distinctive feature of the worker’s job.
The Law requires that a claim be filed within 2 years after the worker has reason to believe that the work activities they are engaged in may have caused their carpal tunnel syndrome. If the claim is established as work related, medical expenses and lost time as a result of the condition can be covered.
A surgical procedure known as Carpal Tunnel Release is a common treatment for this condition and will usually result in a permanent loss of use rating. Sometimes, the lost of use finding translates into a lump sum payment for the injured worker.