Traumatic brain injury is a result of an accident or injury that can cause temporary or permanent symptoms to occur in individuals. Some survivors of a traumatic brain injury may have problems that follow them throughout their lives, while others have less difficulty with the recover process. The symptoms presented after a traumatic brain injury are as varied as the individuals that suffer from these injuries. Symptoms can include forgetfulness, amnesia, paralysis, seizures, unsteady gait and more.
The Brain and Its Functions
The brain is the epicenter of your entire body. When your brain has been injured, the signals sent from your brain to the rest of your body can get mixed or distorted. Whether from swelling, or permanent damage caused to your brain, you can experience any number of symptoms, simply because your brain is responsible for so much. Your symptoms will arise depending on what area of the brain has been injured, although this is not always indicative of the symptoms you have.
Permanent Memory Loss
One problem you may have after suffering a traumatic brain injury is significant, lingering memory loss. While some memory loss may be temporary, some traumatic brain injury patients never fully recover their entire memory. It’s possible to lose memories of your past, and also possible to have difficulty forming new memories. Since the brain is so complex, it is often difficult to determine the prognosis of a patient when they are in rehabilitation for memory loss as a result of a traumatic brain injury.
Mobility Issues
Some people that suffer from a traumatic brain injury have difficult with mobility because their coordination or ability to control their primary muscle groups has been compromised. While rehabilitative therapies can help retrain the brain to learn how to walk again, it’s possible that the brain injury is significant enough to have caused permanent damage. This can result in a permanent disability around mobility issues, and can include considerable problems walking or using stairs. Rehabilitation will strengthen the muscles and give you the best shot at recovery, but the process goes slow and steady. You should not expect recovery from a traumatic brain injury to go quickly.
Language Skills
Some patients lose significant language skills after they have suffered from a brain injury. It is possible that this patient can understand what is being said without the ability to articulate their own sentences, or that they are completely unable to comprehend what is being said to them. The severity of the injury matters, and language skills that are lost take time to get back. As the brain heals from the injury, language skills may slowly return. With the help of a rehabilitation specialist, it is possible to gain back many language skills that have been lost. The outcome of rehabilitative therapy is as varied as every patient that enters the facility.
An Attorney Can Help After a Traumatic Brain Injury
Once you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you will need rehabilitation, time off from work, and will likely have trouble keeping up with the costs of daily living. If you were injured because of the direct action or negligence of another person or business, then you may have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. It’s expensive to get treatment after an injury, and the costs associated with your care and upkeep can become overwhelming. If another person is responsible, then you have the legal right to financial compensation for your injuries.
When you prepare to meet with an attorney for the first time in a case consultation, bringing valuable paperwork with you will be essential. If you have medical records, accident reports and treatment notes regarding your injury, then you should bring all of this information when you go to meet for your initial visit with the attorney. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to assess your case to see if you have a viable lawsuit on your hands.
If you are suffering from a traumatic brain injury, it’s time to consult with Paul Giannetti personal injury lawyer now.