An overuse syndrome is simply a medical ailment resulting from repetitive use or strain. It has also been called cumulative trauma disorder.
It is often obvious that the disorder is due to a repetitive work related stress. For example, someone who is required to type at a computer keyboard for a large portion of everyday would likely realize that pain in his or her hands and wrists is the direct result of that activity. Most common diagnosis in that situation is carpal tunnel syndrome.
However, there are more subtle overuse syndromes. A common situation involves an individual who may have sustained an injury, for example, to his right knee. If a right knee or leg injury becomes chronic it often requires one to favor or overuse his or her left leg. By overcompensating with the opposite leg, an injury often occurs. This is an example of an overuse syndrome involving leg injuries.
The same phenomenon can exist with hand or arm injuries. If you are unable to use your right hand it stands to reason that you would be required to use your left hand much more. That overuse can cause injury to develop on the opposite side.
Most physicians are keenly aware of the possibility of overuse syndromes. Nonetheless, it is important that an overuse syndrome claim, if work related, be reported to the insurance carrier and the Workers’ Compensation Board immediately. Failure to make such a claim and report it in a timely fashion can result in dismissal of the overuse syndrome case.
Please feel free to inquire with our office should you have questions regarding your situation.