When you get injured on the job, there are many things you have to deal with. Receiving medical treatment, obtaining physical therapy, and figuring out how to pay for daily expenses due to lost income are only a portion of the problem. One thing that should not be overlooked is getting compensated for those lost wages while not at work.
In New York, workers who have informed their employers in person and through writing about the accident will be given a Claimant Information Packet. The packet contains a C-3 Employee Claim form, which must be completed and sent to the Workers’ Compensation Board.
C-3 Employee Claim Form to Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits
The C-3 Employee Claim form allows workers to make a claim for compensation benefits with the New York Workers’ Compensation Board. It gathers your personal information, your work position in the company, the type of injury or illness you received while on the job, and whether you obtained medical treatment. The Board will use the information you provide to determine whether you will receive workers’ compensation benefits for lost wages.
Providing Limited Release of Health Information
In addition to providing details about the accident and injury, the C-3 Employee Claim form also has a Limited Release of Health Information document. Only use this document if you’ve sustained a previous injury at the same location as the current injury. You can also use the document if you’ve had a similar illness in the past and had obtained medical treatment from a healthcare provider. The Limited Release of Health Information does not collect any other medical history information.
Also, filling out the document is voluntary and revocable at any time. This form will allow the Workers’ Compensation Board to contact the healthcare providers that you listed so they can learn more about your previous injury or illness.
Filing Within Two Years of an Accident or Illness
While it is always ideal to contact your employer immediately about an accident or illness you’ve sustained while on the job, there are times when a medical condition may not appear until later. New York takes this circumstance into consideration and allows you to file for a claim within two years of the accident due to a latent injury that forces you to miss work. You may also file the claim form within two years of knowing that the injury or illness that you have was caused by a previous workplace accident.
Claim Notification
After completing the C-3 Employee Claim form, you must mail it to the Workers’ Compensation Board District Office. By this time, your employer will have already contacted the Workers’ Compensation Board and the insurance company about the accident or illness. The insurance company will then begin sending compensation benefit payments if your lost work time has exceeded seven days. They will also send you a written statement regarding your rights within 14 days of receiving the Employer’s Report of Work-Related Injury/Illness form. During the process, the insurance company may deny your claim, but they must contact the Workers’ Compensation Board regarding their denial of compensation benefits.
Having a Smooth Claim’s Process
To ensure that you have the best possible outcome to your workers’ compensation claim, you need to adhere to the given guidelines and deadlines on the C-3 Employee Claim form. You should also fill out the information as accurately as possible.
Because filing for compensation benefits is a complex process, injured workers often seek out legal representation to help them complete the claims process. If you need legal advice or your claim has been denied, contact Paul Giannetti, Attorney at Law, for a free consultation and to protect your rights.